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Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:30:49 -0500 (EST)
From: "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com>
To: -PhyloCode Mailing List- <PhyloCode@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu>
Subject: Re: languages in PhyloCode
Would it be at all possible to use international symbols in establishing clade names? E.g. _Dinosauria nomen cladi conversum_ [Owen 1842] = (_Megalosaurus bucklandii_ [Ritgen 1826] + _Iguanodon bernissartensis_ [Boulenger & van Beneden 1881]) _Saurischia nomen cladi conversum_ [Seeley 1888] = (_Megalosaurus bucklandii_ [Ritgen 1826] <-- _Iguanodon bernissartensis_ [Boulenger & van Beneden 1881]) _Eusaurischia nomen cladi novum_ = (_Megalosaurus bucklandii_ [Ritgen 1826] + _Diplodocus longus_ [Marsh 1878]) Yes, there is a Latin phrase in each, but everyone's already used to using "_gen. et sp. nov._", etc. anyway. Of course, for apomorphy-based definitions and qualifying clauses, prose would have to be used, anyway, I suppose. But for straightforward formulations like those above, symbolic representation would make the definitions clear across the international scientific community. (Or at least those familiar with PhyloCode.) _____________________________________________________________________________ T. MICHAEL KEESEY The Dinosauricon <http://dinosauricon.com> BloodySteak <http://www.bloodysteak.com> personal <keesey@bigfoot.com> --> <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Dinosauricon-related <dinosaur@dinosauricon.com> AOL Instant Messenger <Ric Blayze> ICQ <77314901> Yahoo! Messenger <Mighty Odinn>