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Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 10:42:36 -0500
From: Kevin de Queiroz <Dequeiroz.Kevin@NMNH.SI.EDU>
To: david.marjanovic@gmx.at, phylocode@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu
Subject: Re: ?
>>> David Marjanovic <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> 01/20/02 15:36 PM >>> Hello, everyone! I think it's strange that there is absolutely no traffic here, while so = many important issues haven't been discussed to an end. Last time we seem to = have reached a good consensus on the language problem, but nobody has told whether or not the current draft would be changed because of this, and indeed http://www.ohiou.edu/phylocode/index.html still says "Last modified on May 3, 2000".=20 >The PhyloCode advisory group will meet at some still to be determined = time to discuss this and other issues that have been raised by outside = reviewers and make decisions about whether to make changes in light of = them. We are not planning to make modifications for each issue as it = arises. While I am at asking, how's the Companion Volume going? :-) >I'm busy teaching now and have had little time to work on the companion = volume. Kevin de Queiroz